Pillsbury State Park - New Hampshire:

Last year we went to Pillsbury State Park in New Hampshire for a few days, however none of the systems were in place so the bus was not much more then a big metal tent.
Salisbury Beach State Reservation - Massachusetts:

You can reserve spots 6 months ahead at Salisbury Beach State Reservation, so I signed on
to the reservation web site 6 months to the minute before our date of arrival and snagged
this beauty on the Merrimac.

That's the lighthouse at the Northern end of Plum Island across the river. The beach
and the Atlantic Ocean are about 200 yards to the left.

The view out of the bedroom windows, you could hear the waves breaking while lying in bed.
Man I could get used to that!

We had several stellar days at the beach, the water was a bit cold at 57 degrees - but
us Northerners are used to that.

In the evening we went up to Hampton and walked the boardwalk and ate fish & chips. There is nothing better then a big plate of deep fried seafood after a day playing in the waves!