Modify Schoolbus Windows to Open from the Bottom
In this video Jake von Slatt shows you how to modify schoolbus windows to open from the bottom like regular double hung windows rather than from the top in the conventional schoolbus manner. As an added benefit, when you swap the positions of the moving and the fixed pane of glass, you can cut down a conventional screen from a storm window to fit on the outside of the bus.
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Hi folks! I'm going to be making a concerted effort to post more videos of my projects. I'll continue with the step-by-step photos and write-ups but I'm going to augment those with video overviews and to that end I've acquired a new video camera and set up a Youtube Channel.
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School Bus Conversion Project:

In January of 2005 I took delivery of a 1989 Thomas Saf-T-Liner, a flat-nosed diesel school bus with about 100,000 miles on it that I bought on eBay for $2000. Over the next 18 months I converted this old school bus into a family camper. Wherever possible re-used and recycled material were used, mostly acquired from our town dump, Craigslist and friend's demolition projects. All stages of this project are documented on these pages
Toyota Yaris Pages:

We sold the Town Car and retired the mini-van and bought a pair of 2007 Toyota Yarii one of which (probably the black one due to the diesel soot! ) we will tow behind the motorhome. Here are some pictures of the Yaris and some notes on towing the Yaris and a short article about installing a Short Shifter Kit.
A Pumpless, nearly Fanless, Silent Water Cooled PC

A pumpless water cooled PC made with plumbing fittings from Home Depot. The thermo-siphon effect causes the coolant to circulate through a folded 4 foot section of baseboard heater and convection circulates air past the radiator fins.
Building a Workbench/Cart Using Old Bed Frame Angle Iron

A pair of workbenchs/carts made with salvaged tops and re-cycled bed frame angle iron.
Classic Western Electric Handset for Cell Phone

A handset from a classic Bell System Model 500 is married to an LG VX6100 cell phone.
Dumpster Diving & Town Dump Finds

Op-Amp Hot Tub Temperature Controller

A simple Op-Amp temperature controller is built for a $50 garage sale hot tub.
Random Hacks

The Steampunk Workshop -

Wherein the craftsman demonstrates the construction of artifacts from an age of steam and brass.