This is the fan that was causing all of the ruckus. Over time the lubricant
slowly turned into glue and the dust particles entrapped wore away at the bearing
material until the fan motor rattled and chattered horribly. You'd never think
such a small fan could make so much noise.

In the future I will steer away from nVidia and ATI
cards because of those companies refusal to release details about their hardware that
would allow development of open source drivers.
See: Wikipedia: nVidia and
I pried the heat sink off with a utility knife, it was glued on with some sort of
heat conductive epoxy - I was sure I had ruined it when the heat sink came flying off
at high speed with a loud SNAP.

I replaced the stock
heat sink with a much larger finned heat sink originally intended for a 1 GHz Pentium
I goop-ed up the heat sink with some Arctic Silver Alumina and clipped it

clips are made for hanging X-mas lights from aluminum gutters. |
Too bad I loose a PCI slot.
